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Powerful Task Management in Roam Research
Section 1: Welcome to Powerful Task Management in Roam Research
Lecture 1-1: What to expect in this course (4:38)
Lecture 1-2: About me (2:37)
Lecture 1-3: Useful resources
Section 2: Task Framework—GTD-style structure in Roam
Lecture 2-1: Overview of your Task Framework (1:28)
Lecture 2-2: Task Framework Categories (4:48)
Lecture 2-3: Task Framework Contexts (3:13)
Lecture 2-4: Task Framework—Recurring Tasks (2:04)
Lecture 2-5: Task Framework Templates (3:26)
Section 3: Before we dive in, he's how Templates work
Lecture 3-1: How Templates work in Roam (8:20)
Lecture 3-2: Task Management Templates (3:54)
Section 4: Capturing tasks with your Inbox
Lecture 4-1: Your Inbox is both a place and a process (2:14)
Lecture 4-2: Capturing with your Roam Inbox (4:47)
Lecture 4-3: Building your Roam Inbox (5:43)
Section 5: Processing tasks in Roam
Lecture 5-1: Your Projects structure (9:18)
Lecture 5-2: Project notes (8:35)
Lecture 5-3: Processing your Inbox into Projects (and elsewhere) (12:47)
Section 6: What do I do @next?
Lecture 6-1: The value of Next Actions (2:01)
Lecture 6-2: Building your Next Actions page (7:38)
Lecture 6-3: How to process tasks as Next Actions (10:38)
Section 7: Your Recurring Tasks system
Lecture 7-1: Intro to Recurring Tasks (5:19)
Lecture 7-2: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Annual templates (19:23)
Lecture 7-3: Working with your Recurring Tasks (8:26)
Lecture 7-4: Adjusting dates for Recurring Tasks (2:05)
UPDATE: Section 7a: Recurring Tasks SmartBlock!
Lecture 7a-1: How to Install SmartBlocks and Roam42 (7:42)
Lecture 7a-2: Your Recurring Tasks SmartBlock (18:04)
Section 8: Your daily [[Agenda]]
Lecture 8-1: Processing tasks into your Agenda (13:29)
Section 9: A standard GTD-style Weekly Review and related pages
Lecture 9-1: Weekly Review process intro (5:49)
Lecture 9-2: Your Unassigned Tasks page (4:01)
Lecture 9-3: Your @waiting and @someday pages (4:15)
Lecture 9-4: Weekly Review walkthrough (3:11)
Section 10: Walking through the entire system
Lecture 10-1: Exploring the full-system flow (13:33)
Lecture 10-2: Additional resources
Section 11: Roam42 & SmartBlocks-flavored GTD—Addendum
Lecture 11-1: Intro to this Roam42 module (2:06)
Lecture 11-2: What are SmartBlocks? (5:31)
Lecture 11-3: Creating a simple SmartBlocks workflow (8:03)
Lecture 11-4: Basic SmartBlocks commands (3:49)
Lecture 11-5: SmartBlock Date commands (10:50)
Lecture 7-1: Intro to Recurring Tasks
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