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Your Road to Roam, v2
I. Surveying your road to Roam!
✅ Course updates complete! ✅
I.1. What to expect
I.2. Course resources
1.3. Set up your Capstone project: Building your Roam workflows!
I.4. Live Capstone Masterclasses
II. Laying your road's foundation: Networked notes
II.1. Pages (5:52)
II.2. Blocks (5:54)
II.3. Linked & Unlinked References (7:14)
II.4. Indenting Effectively (5:19)
II.5. Right Sidebar (4:42)
II.6. Focus on Block (4:56)
II.7. Roam Mechanics (7:49)
II.8. Workflow 1: Notetaking for networked thought (13:04)
II.9. Capstone 1: How do Networked Notes affect you?
III. Your logging road: Logging and tracking meeting notes
III.1. Your Daily Notes page(s) (5:30)
III.2. /Date Picker & /Current Time (and the Slash Menu) (3:59)
III.3. Relative Dates (4:37)
III.4. Templates (7:55)
III.5. Workflow 2: Logging and tracking meeting notes (11:51)
III.6. Capstone 2: Breaking your logjam
IV. Grading your road: Journaling & Self-coaching
IV.1. Filters (6:18)
IV.2. Block References & Embeds (15:08)
IV.3. Text formatting (6:48)
IV.4. Workflow 3: Journaling & Self-coaching (12:11)
IV.5. Capstone 3: How can you leverage journaling in your work and life?
V. Road work ahead: Tasks & projects
V.1. TODO & DONE (5:10)
V.2. Queries (22:54)
V.3. Workflow 4: Simple task management Inbox and Projects (14:59)
V.4. Capstone 4: Can tasks in Roam work for you?
VI. Self-driving cars: Intro to SmartBlocks & Roam42
VI.1. How to Install SmartBlocks & Roam42 (or any extension!) (7:09)
VI.2. Basic Structure of SmartBlocks (7:08)
VI.3. Working with SmartBlocks date commands (11:53)
VI.4. workBench Inboxes (9:36)
VI.5. Workflow 5: Recurring Actions SmartBlock (14:39)
VI.6. Capstone 5: How can SmartBlocks & workBench work for you?
VII. Roadside market: SmartBlocks store & more
VII.1. How to access the SmartBlocks store (2:08)
VII.2. Workflow 6: Initializing Projects, part 1 (4:24)
VII.3. Workflow 6: Initializing Projects, part 2 (6:41)
VII.4. Capstone 6: How can automation power up your task management?
VIII. Cycling down the road: Daily routines
VIII.1. RoamJS extensions & SmartBlock commands (8:07)
VIII.2. Workflow 7: My Daily Cycle (14:37)
VIII.3. Capstone 7: What does YOUR day look like? And how can you streamline it?
IX. The Road Ahead: Keeping up to date with Roam, SmartBlocks, and more
IX.1. What is this section of the course for?
⛔ Legacy ⛔ VI. Managing roadblocks: Writing & creating content
What does "⛔ Legacy ⛔" mean?
VI.1. Features: View as Bulleted List, Numbered List, or Document (3:55)
VI.2. Features: Versions (7:10)
VI.3. Features: Block references: Replace with Original & embed (10:23)
VI.4. Features: Copy & Paste, Counting Words and Characters (5:12)
VI.5. Workflow 5: Creative writing & content creation with multiple drafts (22:12)
VI.6. Capstone 5: How you write in Roam
⛔ Legacy ⛔ VII. The Autobahn: Using a Zettelkasten to gather, develop, and share knowledge
What does "⛔ Legacy ⛔" mean?
VII.1. Features: Pages as Attributes (17:48)
VII.2. Features: Links and Aliases (9:42)
VII.3. Dealing with Exterior Sources: Tweets, Videos, Images, Audio, PDFs, iframes (23:05)
VII.4. Features: Page Embeds (10:06)
VII.5. Workflow 6, part 1: Zettelkasten (43:02)
VII.6. Workflow 6, part 2: Zettelkasten (cont'd) (65:56)
VII.7. Capstone 6: Knowledge in, knowledge out
III.2. /Date Picker & /Current Time (and the Slash Menu)
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